Changjiang CAI 蔡长江 [CV] [GoogleScholar]

Computer Vision Lab

My Hometown Stevens Campus NYC Memory Kobe Bryant

About Me

I am serving as a Staff Research Engineer in 3D Computer Vision, at InnoPeak Technology, Inc. (a.k.a. OPPO US Research Center), Palo Alto, CA, to solve problems in 3D reconstruction and Augmented Reality via leveraging my knowledge in Computer Vision and Machine Learning.

I received my Ph.D. degree of Computer Science from Stevens Institute of Technology, with the guidance of my advisor, Professor Philippos Mordohai, in the field of computer vision, focusing on 3D reconstruction by binocular and multi-view stereo matching.

Prior to attending Stevens, I received my Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University, and pursued Master’s Degree at Xi’an Jiaotong University, in China.


  • 2024/06/10: Code of our PlaneMVS (CVPR’22) was released per institutional approval. It is a late release but we made a major upgrade to the code for running on latest PyTorch, CUDA and GPUs. Please have a try!
  • 2024/02/26: One paper NARUTO was accepted by CVPR’24. See project page and code. Congrats and great thanks to the first authors Huangying and Ziyue!
  • 2023/06/20: Will virtually attend CVPR’23 and present our poster paper (poster tag: TUE-AM-087) on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Please check our paper at this Project Page.
  • 2023/06/07: Served as a reviewer (of 6 papers) for NeurIPS’23.
  • 2023/04/10: Served as a reviewer (of 8 papers) for ICCV’23.
  • 2023/02/27: One first-author paper was accepted by CVPR’23.
  • 2022/12/13: Served as a reviewer (of 5 papers) for CVPR’23.
  • 2021/11/15: Was promoted to Staff Research Engineer at InnoPeak Technology, Palo Alto, CA.
  • 2022/06/25: Attened CVPR’22 at New Orleans, LA, as my first in-person conference since the pandemic COVID-19.
  • 2022/05/28: Submitted our new preprint Multi-View Stereo (MVS) work RIAV-MVS: Recurrent-Indexing an Asymmetric Volume for Multi-View Stereo to ArXiv.
  • 2022/04/28: Served as a reviewer (of 9 papers) for ACM Multimedia Conference 2022 (ACMMM’22).
  • 2022/04/05: Served as a reviewer for International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), 2022.
  • 2022/03/15: Served as a reviewer for International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV).
  • 2022/03/02: One paper was accepted by CVPR’22.
  • 2021/09/15: Served as a reviewer for AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2022 (AAAI’22).
  • 2021/06/01: Started to work as a Sr. Research Engineer at InnoPeak Technology, Palo Alto, CA. Exciting to enjoy the sunshine here.
  • 2021/05/30: Served as a reviewer for ACM Multimedia Conference 2021 (ACMMM’21).
  • 2021/05/13: Just successfully defend my Ph.D. dissertation on May 13, 2021 (2:00 pm - 3:30pm, EST). I would like to thank my advisor Professor Philippos Mordohai for his continuous guidance, patience, motivation and support during my Ph.D. study at Stevens. I have learned a lot from his philosophy for research, his excellent knowledge of the field, his integrity and his intelligence. I would also like to thank Prof. Enrique Dunn for serving on my qualifying examination, proposal and dissertation committees. I would also like to thank Prof. Tian Han and Prof. Brendan Englot for serving on my proposal and dissertation committees. I thank Prof. Xinchao Wang for serving on my qualifying examination committee. I thank Dr. Gang Hua for admitting me to the doctoral program in computer science at Stevens, as well as for his providing me a great opportunity to start the research in the field of computer vision. Cheers!
  • 2021/02/03: Just passed my Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Defense on Feb. 3, 2021 (11:00 am - 12:30pm, EST). And many thanks to all the professors - Prof. Philippos Mordohai, Prof. Enrique Dunn, Prof. Tian Han, and Prof. Brendan Englot, for serving on my committee!
  • 2021/01/30: I will join InnoPeak (a.k.a OPPO US Research Center) at Palo Alto, CA, on June 1, 2021, as a senior 3D computer vision research engineer, working with Dr. Pan Ji and Dr. Yi Xu .
  • 2020/10/02: Two papers (1 on domain-invariant stereo, 1 on content-adaptive filtering for stereo) have been accepted to 3DV 2020 (Fukuoka, Japan, changed to complete online)!
  • 2020/08/31-2020/12/23: Part-time intern at Futurewei, in Seattle, WA, and supervised by Dr. Guo-Jun Qi.
  • 2020/05/26-2020/08/14: My second (summer) intern, which is at Futurewei, in Seattle, WA, and supervised by Dr. Guo-Jun Qi.
  • 2019/11/15 : Two papers submitted to CVPR 2020, fingers crossed!
  • 2019/05/21-2019/08/21 : My First summer intern. It is at UII America in Cambridge, MA, and supvervised by Dr. Ziyan Wu.
  • 2019/01/04 : New homepage established powered by Githubpage and Jekyll.
  • 2018/12/05 : Passed Ph.D. oral qualifying exam.
  • 2018/06/19 : Presented our paper poster at CVPR’18.
  • 2018/06/01 : Submitted our CBMV_ROB entry to Robust Vision Challenge 2018.
  • 2018/02/18 : One paper was accepted by CVPR’18.
  • 2017/12/14 : Finished the last course required by Ph.D. degree.
  • 2017/05/09 : Passed Ph.D. written qualifying exam (Algorithm, Functional Programming Language, and Operating System).
  • 2017/03/12 : One paper was accepted by ICDCS’17.
  • 2016/02/01 : Received Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering at Stevens.
  • 2015/01/01 : Started my Ph.D. study in Computer Science at Stevens.
  • 2013/08/20 : Started my master study in Electrical Engineering at Stevens.


  • Reviewer for the following journals:
    • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
    • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)
    • International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
  • Reviewer for the following conferences:
    • ACM Multimedia Conference 2020 (ACMMM’20)
    • ACM Multimedia Conference 2021 (ACMMM’21)
    • AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’22)
    • International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’22)
    • International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR’22)
    • ACM Multimedia Conference 2022 (ACMMM’22)
    • The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’23)
    • International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV’23)
    • Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS’23)
    • European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV’24)