How to Calculate Camera-to-world Pose in the OpenCV-Style Coordinate System for IRS Dataset?

0. Code

Please check the code on how to generate the opencv-style camera-to-world poses from the UE_Trace.txt files.

1. Raw Camera Pose in IRS Dataset

The raw camera poses in IRS dataset are generated in the Unreal Engine (UN), and saved in the “*/UE_Trace.txt” files.

  • The UE_trace.txt is a text file containing the translation and orientation of the camera in a fixed coordinate frame (i.e., UE coordinate here).

  • Each line in the text file contains a single pose defined in the UE coordinate system (See below).

  • The number of lines/poses is the same as the number of image frames in the current folder.

  • The first 7 numbers of each line are tx ty tz qx qy qz qw, where

    • tx ty tz give the camera-to-world translation (in centimeters) in UE coordinate system.
    • qx qy qz qw give a camera-to-world orientation in the form of a unit quaternion.
  • For example, this file */IRS/Auxiliary/CameraPos/Restaurant/DinerEnvironment_Dark/UE_Trace.txt gives

562.509460 554.905151 53.445610 0.004622 0.004660 -0.704158 0.710013 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
562.510925 554.748474 65.385399 0.004622 0.004660 -0.704158 0.710013 0.025151 -2.628278 199.982956
562.512146 554.608765 76.015526 0.004622 0.004660 -0.704158 0.710013 0.021971 -2.629248 199.983032

where, you can find

tx, ty,tz = 562.509460, 554.905151, 53.445610
tx /= 100.0 # centimeters to meters
ty /= 100.0
tz /= 100.0
qz, qy, qz, qw = 0.004622, 0.004660, -0.704158, 0.710013
# now you can convert a unit quaternion to a rotation matrix and so on ...
  • Please check the code for more details.
import numpy as np
# Load the pose file:
pose_src_file = 'IRS/Auxiliary/CameraPos/Restaurant/DinerEnvironment_Dark/UE_Trace.txt'
pose_quats = np.loadtxt(pose_src_file, comments='#', 
                        usecols = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) # read first 7 elements;

2. UE and OpenCV-Style Coordinates

2.1 Unreal Engine Coordinate System

  • The Unreal Engine (UE) system uses the Cartesian coordinates (x Forward, y Right, z Up) to represent a position relative to a local origin.

  • It is a left-hand coordinate system.

  +z (Up) | 
            |        / +x (Forward)
            |      / 
            |    / 
            |  /
 (Origin O) |/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ +y (to right, East)  

    UE Coordinate, Left-hand Coordinate System,
    assuming your eye is behind the y-O-z plane and seeing +x forward.

2.2 OpenCV Coordinate System

  • OpenCV coordinate system uses the Cartesian coordinates as the x-axis pointing to the right, the y-axis downward, and the z-axis forward.
                  / +z (to Forward)
 (Origin O) /_ _ _ _ _ _ _   +x (to Right)
            | +y (Down)

    OpenCV Coordinate, Right-hand Coordinate System,
    assuming your eye is behind the x-O-y plane and seeing +z forward. 

2.3 Why We Need OpenCV-style Camera Pose

It is because we use the following pipeline to connect RGB, camera, and world:

RGB image $(x,y)$ with $x$ pointing to the right, $y$ down, and image origin in the left-top corner —> camera intrinsic matrix $K$ and inverse $K^{-1}$ —> camera points $P^{c}$ = $(X^{c}, Y^{c},Z^{c})$ —> camera extrinsic matrix $E$ and inverse $E^{-1}$ —> world points $P^{w}$ = $(X^{w}, Y^{w},Z^{w})$.

2.4 Notation

Assume we have the following coordinate systems:

  • wue: the world coordinate in UE (x Forward, y Right, z Up) format;
  • cue: the camera coordinate in UE (x Forward, y Right, z Up) format;
  • w: the world coordinate in OpenCV style (x Right, y Down, z Forward);
  • c: the camera coordinate in OpenCV style (x Right, y Down, z Forward);

2.5. How to get the transformation matrix from UE to OpenCV Style

  • The matrix is defined as $T^{w}_{\text{wue}}$ to map the points $P^{\text{wue}}$ to the points $P^{w}$, i.e., $P^{w}$ = $T^{w}_{\text{wue}}$ * $P^{\text{wue}}$

  • The matrix is also defined as $T^{c}_{\text{cue}}$ to map the points $P^{\text{cuw}}$ to the points $P^{c}$, i.e., $P^{c}$ = $T^{c}_{\text{cue}}$ * $P^{\text{cue}}$

  • To find $T^{w}_{\text{wue}}$ is to project (or to calculate the dot-product between) each axis (as a unit vector) of $x^{\text{wue}}$, $y^{\text{wue}}$, $z^{\text{wue}}$, into the axis $x^w$, $y^w$, $z^w$.
  • You can check the details in Chapter 2.2 of the book John J. Craig, Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, Third Edition (2005).

  • Following the coordinates drawn above, we can get this matrix as:
    T = np.array([
                  [0,0,0,1]], dtype=np.float32)
  • And we have $T^{w}_{wue}$ = $T^{c}_{cue}$ = $T$.

3. How to map the camera-to-world pose in UE to OpenCV-Style

  • OpenCV-style camera-to-world pose:
    • We want to find the cam-to-world pose $T^{w}_{c}$, which do the mapping $P^w = T^{w}_{c} * P^{c}$.
    • note: $T^{w}_{c}$ etc are in LaTex style if not shown correctly.
  • Apply the chain rule, we have:

$T^{w}_{c}$ = $T^{w}_{\text{wue}}$ * $T^{\text{wue}}_{\text{cue}}$ * $T^{\text{cue}}_{c}$ = $T$ * "camera-to-world-pose-UE" * inv(T)

where, the camera-to-wolrd pose in UE can be loaded from the UE_trace.txt beforementioned.

Written on March 14, 2024