How to index a 4D tensor in your own cuda kernel function
grid, block and thred in CUDA
- CUDA defines built-in 3D variables for threads and blocks. Threads are indexed using the built-in 3D variable
. Three-dimensional indexing provides a natural way to index elements in vectors, matrix, and volume and makes CUDA programming easier. - Similarly, blocks are also indexed using the in-built 3D variable called
One Low-level Example
- In this example, we can see how the
blockIdx.x (or .y, .z)
andthreadIdx.x (or .y , .z)
are directly used to access the 4D tensor (in size [N,C,H, W]) in PyTorch.const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; const int n = blockIdx.z;
- See the details in this kernel function defined as below:
template <typename scalar_t>
__global__ void sampler_forward_kernel(
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<scalar_t,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> volume,
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> coords,
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<scalar_t,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> corr,
int r){
// --------------------------
// How to do batch index !!!
// --------------------------
const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
const int n = blockIdx.z;
const int h1 = volume.size(1);
const int w1 = volume.size(2);
const int w2 = volume.size(3);
if (!within_bounds(y, x, h1, w1)) {
float x0 = coords[n][0][y][x];
//float y0 = coords[n][1][y][x];
float dx = x0 - floor(x0);
//float dy = y0 - floor(y0);
int rd = 2*r + 1;
for (int i=0; i<rd+1; i++) { // i is X
int x1 = static_cast<int>(floor(x0)) - r + i;
if (within_bounds(0, x1, 1, w2)) {
scalar_t s = volume[n][y][x][x1];
if (i > 0)
corr[n][i-1][y][x] += s * scalar_t(dx);
if (i < rd)
corr[n][i][y][x] += s * scalar_t((1.0f-dx));
- The host function to call the kernel is defined below, and pay attention to syntex “«<blocks, threads»>” and how the
dimensions are difined bydim3
std::vector<torch::Tensor> sampler_cuda_forward(
torch::Tensor volume,
torch::Tensor coords,
int radius){
const auto batch_size = volume.size(0);
const auto ht = volume.size(1);
const auto wd = volume.size(2);
// --------------------------
//CCJ: number of blocks per grid;
// --------------------------
const dim3 blocks((wd + BLOCK - 1) / BLOCK,
(ht + BLOCK - 1) / BLOCK,
// --------------------------
//CCJ: number of threads per block
// --------------------------
const dim3 threads(BLOCK, BLOCK);
auto opts = volume.options();
torch::Tensor corr = torch::zeros(
{batch_size, 2*radius+1, ht, wd}, opts);
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF(volume.type(), "sampler_forward_kernel", ([&] {
sampler_forward_kernel<scalar_t><<<blocks, threads>>>(
return {corr};
Another Higher-level Example
- In this example, we can see another way to define grids, blocks and threds using 1D indexing (i.e., only with
as ingridDim.x
, andthreadIdx.x
const int B = im0.size(0); const int C = im0.size(1); const int H = im0.size(2); const int W = im0.size(3); const int total_step = B * H * W;
- See the details in the kernel defined below:
// Use 1024 threads per block, which requires cuda sm_2x or above;
const int CUDA_NUM_THREADS = 1024;
// CUDA: number of blocks for threads.
inline int GET_BLOCKS(const int N){
// CUDA: grid stride looping
#define CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(i, n) \
for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < (n); i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
static __forceinline__ __device__
int get_im_index(
const int b,
const int c,
const int h,
const int w,
const size_t C,
const size_t H,
const size_t W) {
return b*C*H*W + c*H*W + h*W + w;
template <typename scalar_t>
__global__ void forward_warp_cuda_forward_kernel(
const int total_step,
const scalar_t* im0,
const scalar_t* flow,
scalar_t* im1,
const int B,
const int C,
const int H,
const int W,
const GridSamplerInterpolation interpolation_mode) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, total_step-1) {
const int b = index / (H * W);
const int h = (index-b*H*W) / W;
const int w = index % W;
const scalar_t x = (scalar_t)w + flow[index*2+0];
const scalar_t y = (scalar_t)h + flow[index*2+1];
if (interpolation_mode == GridSamplerInterpolation::Bilinear) {
const int x_f = static_cast<int>(::floor(x));
const int y_f = static_cast<int>(::floor(y));
const int x_c = x_f + 1;
const int y_c = y_f + 1;
if(x_f >= 0 && x_c < W && y_f >= 0 && y_c < H){
const scalar_t nw_k = (x_c - x) * (y_c - y);
const scalar_t ne_k = (x - x_f) * (y_c - y);
const scalar_t sw_k = (x_c - x) * (y - y_f);
const scalar_t se_k = (x - x_f) * (y - y_f);
const scalar_t * im0_p = im0 + get_im_index(b, 0, h, w, C, H, W);
scalar_t* im1_p = im1 + get_im_index(b, 0, y_f, x_f, C, H, W);
for (int c = 0; c < C; ++c, im0_p += H*W, im1_p += H*W){// for Channel dimension;
/* atomicAdd() reads a word at some address in global or shared memory, adds a number to it,
* and writes the result back to the same address. The operation is atomic in the sense
* that it is guaranteed to be performed without interference from other threads.
* In other words, no other thread can access this address until the operation is complete.
* Atomic functions do not act as memory fences and do not imply synchronization or ordering
* constraints for memory operations (see Memory Fence Functions for more details on memory fences).
* Atomic functions can only be used in device functions.
atomicAdd(im1_p, nw_k*(*im0_p));
atomicAdd(im1_p+1, ne_k*(*im0_p));
atomicAdd(im1_p+W, sw_k*(*im0_p));
atomicAdd(im1_p+W+1, se_k*(*im0_p));
else if (interpolation_mode == GridSamplerInterpolation::Nearest) {
const int x_nearest = static_cast<int>(::round(x));
const int y_nearest = static_cast<int>(::round(y));
if(x_nearest >= 0 && x_nearest < W && y_nearest >= 0 && y_nearest < H){
const scalar_t* im0_p = im0 + get_im_index(b, 0, h, w, C, H, W);
scalar_t * im1_p = im1 + get_im_index(b, 0, y_nearest, x_nearest, C, H, W);
for (int c = 0; c < C; ++c, im0_p += H*W, im1_p += H*W) {
*im1_p = *im0_p;
- And the host function to call the kernel:
at::Tensor forward_warp_cuda_forward(
const at::Tensor im0,
const at::Tensor flow,
const GridSamplerInterpolation interpolation_mode) {
auto im1 = at::zeros_like(im0);
const int B = im0.size(0);
const int C = im0.size(1);
const int H = im0.size(2);
const int W = im0.size(3);
const int total_step = B * H * W;
[Warning - Deprecated Due to PyTorch&CUDA Version]
passing at::DeprecatedTypeProperties to an AT_DISPATCH macro is deprecated,
pass an at::ScalarType instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
Solution: The correct way to do this now is to use .scalar_type() instead of .type();
//AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(im0.type(), "forward_warp_forward_cuda", ([&] {
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(im0.scalar_type(), "forward_warp_forward_cuda", ([&] {
<<<GET_BLOCKS(total_step), CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(
/*By CCJ:<T>() is deprecated. Please use Tensor.data_ptr<T>() instead*/
B, C, H, W,
return im1;
Written on October 15, 2021